第五章 招标公告
Section V Bidding Announcement
1.上海东方投资监理 受上海烟草集团太仓海烟烟草薄片 委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1. Entrustedby Taicang Haiyan Tobacco Flakes Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tobacco Group, ShanghaiOriental Investment Supervision Co., Ltd. conducts international open andcompetitive bidding for the following products and services, and now invitesqualified bidders to participate in the bidding.
序号 | 货物名称 | 数量 (台/套) | 交货时间 | 到货 |
1 | 纸机系统 (带稀释水的气垫式流浆箱、网部、压榨部、烘干部、传动部、涂布系统,以及纸机配套系统等) | 1套 | 合同签订并收到预付款后13个月 | 关境外:中国上海港 关境内:江苏省太仓市浮桥镇浏家港东方东路19号 |
S/N | Description of Goods | Quantity (set) | Delivery Time | Arrival |
1 | Paper machine system (Air cushioned pressure headbox with dilution, wire part, press part, dryer part, drive, size press system, paper machine auxiliary system, etc.) | 1 set | 13 months after signing the contract and receiving the advance payment | Outside customs territory: Shanghai Port, China Within customs territory: No.19, Dongfang Road (E), Liujiagang, Fuqiao Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China. |
2. Bidder qualificationrequirements:
1) 境外投标人资格要求:
1)Qualification requirements for overseas bidders:
(1) Thebidder shall provide legal documents or relevant certification materials (copyaffixed with official seal) of legal registration and establishment of theenterprise;
(2) If thebidder is the agent or header of the bidding product, it shall provide theoriginal letter of authorization issued by the manufacturer of the equipmentfor the sole agent of this bidding project; (if different agents of the samebrand participate in the bidding, in case of providing the letter of distributionauthorization issued by the manufacturer and the letter of authorization issuedby the manufacturer for this project, the valid letter of authorization issuedby the manufacturer for this project shall prevail);
(3)投标人须提供 (3) Thebidder shall provide the copy or original of the credit certificate issued bythe opening bank within three months before the bid opening date; (4)如果投标文件是由单位负责人授权的被授权代表签署,则需要提供《单位负责人授权书》,授权书中必须要有单位负责人的手写签名或法人章。(如果是针对本次项目的专项授权则必须是正本原件,不接受彩打件或复印件。如果是非专项授权可以提供具备有效期的复印件,原件备查)。如果投标文件直接由单位负责人签署,则不需要授权书。 (4) If thebidding documents are signed by the authorized representative authorized by theperson in charge, it is required to provide the Letter of Authorization of thePerson in Charge, in which the written signature or corporate seal of theperson in charge of the unit must be provided. (In case of specialauthorization for this project, it must be original, and color print orphotocopy is not acceptable. In case of non-special authorization, the photocopywith validity period can be provided, and the original copy can be provided forfuture reference). The letter of authorization is not required if the biddingdocuments are signed directly by the person in charge. (5)本项目不得转包和分包; (5) Theproject shall not be subcontracted; (6)本项目不接受联合体投标; (6) Theconsortium bidding will not be accepted for this project; (7)投标人必须在 上注册,且投标截止前,投标人未在 ( 9. 没有在 中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先点击注册。登录成功后根据招标公告的相应说明获取招标文件! 联系人:李杨
手 机:13683233285
传 真:010-51957412