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   日期:2022-05-10     来源:中国电力招标    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    
核心提示:1.招标条件 Conditions for Bidding本招标项目秘鲁钱凯港一期工程隧道和连接道路系统设计、采购、施工总承包已由中国远洋海运集
1.招标条件 Conditions for Bidding
本招标项目秘鲁钱凯港一期工程隧道和连接道路系统设计、采购、施工总承包已由中国远洋海运集团批准建设, 项目已具备招标条件,现对该项目的设计、采购、施工一体化进行公开招标。
The bidding project, The Tunnel, and the Access Road System for Chancay Multi-Purpose Port Terminal Project, has been approved by CHINA COSCO SHIPPING CORPORATION LIMITED. The Tenderee is COSCO SHIPPING Ports Chancay PERU S.A (hereafter the Employer). The Project has met bidding conditions, and the public bidding is hereby conducted for its Engineering, Procurement and Construction.

2.项目概况与招标范围 Project Overview and Bidding Scope
2.1 项目概况 Project Overview
The Tunnel, and the Access Road System for Chancay Multi-Purpose Port Terminal Project (hereinafter referred to as the Project), is owned and operated by company COSCO SHIPPING PORTS CHANCAY PERU (hereinafter referred to as CSPCP or the EMPLOYER), and located in the Municipality of Chancay, Province of Huaral, Department of Lima. The Project includes two major Components, 1) an approximate 1.8 kilometers Tunnel that connects the Entrance Complex (CI, by its Spanish acronyms) with the Operation Zone (ZOP, by its Spanish acronyms) and 2) the Access Road System that connects the Pan American Highway with the CI and a traffic-distributor-round about that eventually leads to the Operations Zone. CSPCP has commissioned a contract to complete the Basic Engineering for Tunnel and Access Road System which has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation. Additionally, the Detail Engineering for the First 400 meters of the Tunnel and Access Road System has been accomplished and has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication and the Pan American Highway Concessioner NORVIAL. The Portal Structure Entrance Complex side is presently under construction and scheduled to be completed in July. This project component has all the required permits and construction licenses to begin with its immediate construction.

2.2 招标范围 Scope of Work
The Works of the ConTRACTOR include, but are not limited to the following items which are briefly described in this Article and detailed further in “Scope of Work”:
2.2.1 Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the approximate 1,841.91 meters of the proposed tunnel, not including the Tunnel Portal Structure, Entrance Complex Side, which is presently under construction.
The proposed Tunnel is the only infrastructure connection and of exclusive use for CSPCP connecting the Operation Zone (ZOP) with the Entrance Complex (CI). The infrastructure is the only access that the port has to move all good and services into and out of the Proposed Port of Chancay. The proposed Tunnel is composed of three specific sections and auxiliary facilities.
The first 400 meters Entrance Complex side has detailed engineering; however, it is the ConTRACTOR responsibility to review, accept and be responsible for its correct design, procurement activities and construction.
The Portal Structure Entrance Complex side is under construction and shall be finished prior to the award of this Tender, therefore its engineering, procurement and construction is not part of the WORKS.
All Basic Engineering, Detail Engineering Plans and BOQ etc. are included as part of this Tender Process.
2.2.2 连接道路工程的设计、采购、施工一体化。
2.2.2 Review and Acceptance; as contractor´s own detail engineering, Procurement and Construction of the Access Road System.
The Access Road System has detailed engineering and are the approved plans; however, it is the ConTRACTOR responsibility to review, accept and be responsible for its correct and elaborate design, procurement activities and construction.
The scope of work includes bridge, civil works, subgrade works, pavement works, lighting, noise barrier and traffic safety facilities of the road, etc., as well as necessary protection and drainage measures for subgrade slope to ensure the stability of the excavated slope.
The ConTRACTOR could change the design configuration, with prior approval of the Employer and if the Employer benefits in budget and construction´s schedule, however, the ConTRACTOR can´t altered the limits of construction, lanes configuration, horizontal or vertical alignment. Horizontal and vertical signage, roadway lighting, and any other already permitted and/or approved Project features.
2.2.3 运行和试运行
2.2.3 Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning of the above-mentioned SOW’s components.
The ConTRACTOR is responsible for preparing a Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning Plan for the OWNER´s approval to later carry out these two important activities. These two construction activities involve the verification of functional operability of elements within the system and subsystems to achieve a state of readiness for the Start-up of the Tunnel and the Access Road System.
2.2.4 其他招标范围
2.2.4 Other Activities in Scope of Work
1) Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Maintenance, Repair and Upkeeping of Houses located along the Construction Influence Zone.
2) Engineering, Construction & Maintenance of Concrete Sidewalks along the Roosevelt and Los Incas Avenues.
3) Engineering, Construction, Maintenance & Operation of Four School Crossings.
4) Institutional Support to the Chancay´s Technological Institute.
5) Engineering, Procurement, & Construction of a Satellite Dining Room.
6) Construction Camp Management, Operation and Maintenance, and improvement the construction according to needs.
7) Managing of the Project Site Security´s Contractor.
8) Access for the Employer’s Representative and its staff
9) Facilities for the Employer’s
10) Application of JW Construction Project Management System.
11) Insurance.
12) Standards Government Guidelines and Procedures for COVID-19.
13) Management of the Social and Environmental Responsibilities
14) Coordination with Other Contractors

3.投标人资格要求 Qualification Requirements for the Tenderers
3.1 本次招标要求投标人须具备下列资质:The tenderer shall have the following qualifications:
(1) Qualification requirements for Chinese tenderers: Class I (or above) qualification for general contracting of Highway engineering issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China;
(2)国际认证:(通过ISO 9001、14001和OSHA 18001或45001认证的证据;或其他国家的等效证明);
(2) International Certifications: (evidence that is certified in ISO 9001, 14001 and OSHA 18001 or 45001; or equivalents in other countries);
(3) Tenders (or Leader Member in the case of the Joint Venture) at time of proposals submittal shall present proof that it is DOMICILED in Peru, such proof are: 1) Tax ID Certificate issued by SUNAT (Peruvian Tax Authority) of the branch of the foreign company or of the company incorporated in Peru, issued with no more than 30 calendar days, 2) Certificate of good standing of the company in Peru or the subsidiary (incorporated in Peru) of a foreign company, the certificate must be issued with no more than 30 calendar days and 3) If it is a Peruvian Company, Certified copy of the entry (in the Public Registry) of the Branch of the foreign company where it is demonstrated that the branch has been established in Peru, issued with no more than 30 calendar days, as well as the certificate of good standing of the foreign company duly legalized or apostilled. 4) If the company domiciled in Peru is a branch or subsidiary, in case this branch or subsidiary intends to use the performance and other qualification of his parent company, the Parent company shall provide a written authorization to the EMPLOYER where cleary states its branch or subsidiary is authorized to use past performances of parent company and any other qualification documents. At the same time, the parent company must submit the sworn statement declares that the parent company will be responsible for all debts and other contractual obligations stipulated in the Contract.
(4) Industry of Tenderer and SubContractors: The Tenderers and its possible Subbcontractors must belong to the industry related and similar to the main activities of the current tender, such as: Engineering, Procurement and Construction of Tunnels, Roads & Bridges. Participant shall list all their proposed subcontractors and their proposed roles, it´s mandatory that MOU between Participant and subcontractors must be submitted.
(5) The Tenderer shall have the construction performance of undertaking at least one tunnel project with the individual contract amount not less than USD 100 million or with the length not less than 2 kilometers since January 1, 2010 around the world. (Contract signing or project completion date is after January 1, 2010, contract copies affixed with official seal (including the page of signature and seal) or the project completion certificate shall be provided).
(6) The Tenderer shall have the construction performance of undertaking at least one bridge project with the length not less than 100 meters and one highway project with the length not less than 1 kilometer since January 1, 2010 around the world. (Contract signing or project completion date is after January 1, 2010, contract copies affixed with official seal (including the page of signature and seal) or the project completion certificate shall be provided).
(7) The Tenderer shall have the performance of undertaking at least 1 project since January 1, 2010 in Peru. (Contract signing or project completion date is after January 1, 2010, contract copies affixed with official seal (including the page of signature and seal) or the project completion certificate shall be provided).
Notes: The requirements of item (1) are only applicable to such Tenderers as enterprises within the People's Republic of China and shall not apply nor be subject of disqualification for enterprises outside the People’s Republic of China. Item (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) are applicable to all the Tenderers.


3.3 本次招标接受联合体投标。This bid accepts joint venture tendering.
The whole joint venture shall be treated as one Tenderer; and professional experience of any member of the joint venture shall be treated as experience of the whole joint venture. The qualified joint venture shall meet all the following requirements:
(1) There are two members in the joint venture at most;
(2) The responsibility and division of various parties in the joint venture must match their qualification and professional experience;
(3) “Joint Venture Agreement” shall be submitted together with the tender proposals, and the agreement shall clearly stipulate Leader Member of the Joint Venture, stipulate authorized representatives of various parties of the Joint Venture, and define responsibilities and division of various parties, and declare that tender proposals and the contract signed shall be legally bind upon each member of the Joint Venture, and promise that in performance of the contract, various parties shall undertake their independent responsibility and mutual joint liability;
(4) Neither member of the Joint Venture shall participate in the tender alone in its own name, or form a new Joint Venture or join in other Joint Venture (otherwise, the Tender Proposals submitted by this member will be rejected at the same time);
(5) only two sister companies of a parent company can form a Joint Venture to participate the tender.

The participant that may affect the fairness may not participate in the tender. If the legal representative of the tenderer is the same person or different tenderers have management relationship, they may not participate in the tender. In violation of the above provisions, the relevant tender proposals will be rejected.

Qualification evaluation mode: the mode of post-qualification is adopted for this tender.

4.招标文件的获取 Obtaining bidding documents
4.1 凡有意参加本项目投标的投标人,请进行投标报名。报名采用以下两种方式:
4.1 Interested Tenderers can register to obtain Bidding documents. The registration can be applied in two ways below:
Option 1 Register and obtain Bidding documents at the office of Tender Agent at 09:00-11:30 and 13:00-16:00 from 12th May 2020 to 17th May 2020 (Beijing Time) (excluding public holidays) at the Tender Agent by submission the following documents:
(1) Original of the legal representative’s valid certificates; original of the valid authorization letter of the agent (not required if the application is made by the legal representative personally);
(2) Copy of the legal person's business license which affixed with official seal (Non-chinese tenderers shall provide corporation registration certificate.);
(3) Copy of the qualification certificates and affixed with official seal which listed in above Clause 3.1;
Option 2 Register and obtain Bidding documents through email of Tender Agent before 4p.m. on 17th May 2020 (Subject to the time of receipt of the email) by sending the scanned copy of above documents listed in Clause 4.1.2. Tenderer shall guarantee the authenticity and validity of the scanned copy.

4.2 招标文件每套售价3000元人民币或450美元。招标文件逾期不售,售后不退。汇款账户为:
Each set of Bidding documents is priced at 3000 RMB yuan or 450 US dollars. The Bidding documents will not be sold overdue and will not be refunded after sale. The remittance accounts are as follows:
(1)境内汇款(只接受人民币)domestic remittance (RMB ONLY):

5.投标文件的递交 Submission of Bids
5.1 递交投标文件的截止时间(以下简称“投标截止时间”)为2020年7月13日09时00分,投标人应于投标截止时间前将投标文件提交至香港皇后大道中183号中远大厦49楼。
5.1 The deadline for the submission of Bids is 09:00 A.M (Beijing time) on 13th July, 2020. The tenderer shall send the Bids to the conference room 49/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, before the deadline.

5.2 Any bid submitted late or failing to be delivered to the designated place will be rejected.



来源:中国电力招标采购网 编辑:shabidd


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